Stop Tealing


SSEN feedback

As you all know the Emmock substation feedback deadline is approaching. If you haven’t written…

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We face the prospect of more than 10 years of non stop construction



Who Are We?

STIG, short for Stop Tealing Industrialisation Group, is a newly formed alliance of Tealing residents united by deep concern and frustration over the looming threat to our rural way of life.

Our Objection

We fully support renewable energy and the goal of Net Zero, but we oppose the reckless approach to its implementation—one that threatens vast areas of agricultural land and endangers Scotland’s natural beauty.

Why should you care?

A third sub station is proposed, 500m from the original Tealing substation, which itself was enlarged by the construction of the SeaGreen substation (shown below). This information has been released before the SeaGreen and Tealing substation construction has even finished. This development will dwarf the existing site, covering 50 acres of prime agricultural land, bringing the total industrialised area to nearly 90 acres.

SSEN have been misleading the people of Tealing to believe that our only impact would be the extension of the existing substation to 275kV.

With these 2 substations comes the opportunity for a gold rush of battery storage plants and solar farms in our neighbouring green fields and this has already begun.

Let’s not forget the enormous pylons towering overhead to transport all this electricity. SSEN apparently know the route but are not letting the public know because of the obvious objections.

The impact on local people, their livelihoods and the environment.

What Can You Do?

SSEN has now submitted a planning application, and with your support, we’ve already lodged over 1,700 objections! Angus Council is set to make a decision by April. This substation is a key piece in the development of Fithie Energy Park and Myreton BESS, making our fight more important than ever.

We need your help! By subscribing to our updates, you’ll stay informed about new developments, upcoming proposals, and—most importantly—how and when to take action.


A third substation is planned within 500m of the original Tealing sub station when the second SeaGreen substation is not even complete.

Battery Storage

Unsightly, Noisy shipping containers that can catch fire. Such fires are almost impossible to put out.

Super Pylons

See the route of new giant pylons planned through rural countryside

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