Send Objection Email Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.First Name *Last Name *Your Email Address *Select Which Project To Object to *Emmock 400 kV Sub StationBalnuith BESS – ECU00004887Fithie Energy Park – ECU00005034Myeton BESS – ECU00005053Name of Councillor *Email of Councillor *Select why you want to objectCumulative Impact on the local population given that there are already two substations in Tealing.Noise of Construction.Loss of prime grade 3.1 agricultural land.There has been inadequate consultation with local residents and identification of alternative sites not in immediate proximity to the Tealing and SeaGreen sub stationsThe Fithie burn floods regularly. Failure to mitigate the effects of increased run off with increased risk of flooding affecting the environment and local residents.Significant loss of habitat and environmental destructionThese sites are very close to dwellings, already blighted by several substations. There will be a significant effect on house price values and the ability to move house.This represents and unfair burden on the resident of Balnuith and Tealing.Should there be a battery fire there is risk of death and injury due to the proximity to dwellings.Please write a few sentences on why this objection matters to you and why. Submit