SSEN feedback deadline approaching!

Thank you for signing up to STIG!

STIG have been busy over the past weeks with our first public meeting completed.

It was a big success with fantastic attendance (THANK YOU!) and interesting presentations (content will be uploaded onto our website shortly). 

We hope you have learned plenty and feel better informed about the upcoming developments.

SSEN are planning to submit a planning application for Emmock substation in late summer with the feedback deadline approaching fast! Feedback must be submitted by 17.07.2024!

Please email your feedback to:

For more info visit our website and and look for Emmock Substation

We also have a STIG facebook page which has plenty of information being posted daily.

We know it is a big ask but please, please, please sign our petition : Petition – STIG

We are also collecting online objections here: Objection . You can select which development you want to object to. Currently we are focussing on Emmock substation as this is the next big development with a planning application coming up.

We appreciate your support!

More updates coming soon. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with comments, suggestions and questions (Contact – STIG)

A big thank you from STIG